China Moisture Proof Plastik Shell
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China Moisture Proof Plastik Shell

Sugeng rawuh kanggo tuku Ruidafeng® China Moisture Proof Plastic Shell saka kita. Saben panjaluk saka pelanggan dijawab sajrone 24 jam.
Nomer Barang: RDF-F3
Ukuran (mm): 55*90*115


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Deskripsi Produk

Ing ngisor iki introduksi saka China Moisture Proof Plastik Shell kualitas dhuwur, ngarep-arep bisa mbantu sampeyan luwih ngerti China Moisture Proof Plastik Shell. Welcome pelanggan anyar lan lawas kanggo terus kerjo bareng karo kita kanggo nggawe mangsa luwih apik!

Ruidafeng® China Moisture Proof Plastic Shell

1. A gasket karet silikon kanggo sealing luwih apik lan anti banyu.

2. Bosses ing basa internal ngidini mbenakake PCB.

3. Four / Enem ngawut-awut stainless steel ndandani ing tutup.

4. Bisa dipasang ing tembok utawa panel dening krenjang soyo tambah external.

5. resistance Corrosionin, resistance terference, resistance udan.

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P: Apa warna standar kothak sampeyan?
A: abu-abu peteng.

P: Apa kothak sampeyan tahan banyu?
A: Nggih.

P: Pira ukuran enclosure sampeyan?
A: Luwih saka 100 jinis.

P: Apa sampeyan nawakake layanan percetakan logo?
A: Ya wis.

Hot Tags: China Moisture Proof Plastic Shell, China, Produsen, Pemasok, Pabrik

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